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PA SURE Registrant Sex/Gender Designations

Updated: Feb 8


For the counties shown in the Tables below, the 60-year-old and older age-range has 70% or more of their registrants designated as a U or blank gender.


The tables group the data into age-range, party, and Gender/Sex and provide the number of registrants in each group based on the 1/20/2025 PA SURE Full Voter Export (FVE).   The table calculates the difference between the number of U or blank registrants and the number of M or F registrants and the percentage of U or blank registrants.

The counties are listed alphabetically and for each county the data is sorted by the percentage of U or blank registrants.

The Registration Input Form

When you register to vote in Pennsylvania you can designate a Sex /Gender.

In 2021 your choices were M or F or not-check a box and the SURE designation is assumed to be blank.

The new form has changed the designation to Gender and the choices are Female (F) or Male (M) or Non-Binary / Other (X) or not-check a box and the SURE designation is assumed to be blank.

The Data

Comparison Between Counties

The following plots compare Delaware and Chester Counties, two adjacent counties in Southeastern PA. The Active registrants in November 2024 are depicted grouped into age-range, party and gender.

The numbers of U or Blank gender Active registrants are the last 4 bars in each age-range. The numbers are small in Chester County in all age-ranges. Consistent with the above tables, Delaware County has large numbers of U-Genders in the 60-year-old and above age-range and noticeably more U or Blank gender Active registrant in the 20-year-old and above age-range.

It appears that the large number of U genders in the older half of the SURE population (in some counties) comes from the PreSURE Registration Systems.

Chester, Montgomery and Bucks counties do not exhibit this U registration issue.

The plots below show the sources of U registrations in Delaware, Centre, and Washington Counties are the PreSURE Systems.

Perhaps some counties did not capture Sex in their old registration forms or were sloppy converting data from the old registration system into SURE.

There is a SURE Field called CustomData which when present means the registration was from a preSURE system.




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